Neuroscientific clinical trials in Finland can now be found in one place

Neuroscientific clinical trials in Finland can now be found in one place

One of the main goals of the Neurocenter Finland for 2021 is to make research visible and enhance patient recruitment for clinical trials. To this end, a new search engine for clinical trials and a platform for patient recruitment have been created.

Neurocenter Finland is a co-operation network of 7 universities and 5 university hospital districts, which aim is to promote Finnish neuroscience research and accelerate the emergence of new co-operation openings. A search engine for clinical trials has now been launched on the Neurocenter Finland website. In addition, information of recruiting clinical trials is published on the website.

Clinical trials are defined herein as medical research performed in research patient, for example, to determine the efficacy of a drug or method. Clinical trials play a key role in transforming research findings into innovations, new drug therapies and new treatment practices.

The “Clinical Trials in Finland” search engine compiles neuroscience trials registered in Finland

The “Clinical Trials in Finland” search engine allows you to find clinical trials in Finland that have undergone an ethical pre-assessment. The information is retrieved from the database, which is the most internationally significant register of clinical trials. A search engine allows you to search for information by keyword or organization, for example.

Recruiting neuroscientific clinical trials can be found on a single website

Finnish neuroscience research and product development is of an internationally high standard and therefore valued. One of the main reasons for the neuroscience success story in Finland has been the voluntary participation of Finnish citizens in the development of drugs and treatments, either by donating specimens and samples or as participants in clinical trials. Neurocenter Finland now provides information on ongoing and actively recruiting clinical trials on its website. The intention is that volunteer research patients will easily find studies in the recruitment phase.


Clinical trials in Finland:

Apply as a research patient (available only in Finnish):


For more information:

Merja Jaronen,, +358 50 5129116