Success stories

Kuopio-based Marginum has developed a new tissue identification technique for cancer surgery rooted in the interdisciplinary research of the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University Hospital Neurosurgery and the Eastern Finland Microsurgery Center. Read more

Kuopio-based Adamant Health has developed a new measurement and analysis service to support evaluation of movement disorders, such as the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and myoclonus-epilepsies. Neurocenter Finland has supported the product development. Read more

The Oulu-based company Cerenion was founded in 2017 as a spinoff from the University of Oulu. Since then, the company has been accelerating its efforts to prepare the medical software C-Trend for market entry. Read more

Seven years ago, the moment of a fatal heart attack in a patient’s living room led Helena Jäntti, an emergency care physician, toward the path of innovation. Read more

Oulu-based Finnadvance is developing organ-on-chip devices that have great potential in drug development. Experts from Neurocenter Finland have helped the company’s path to growth. Read more


Excellence in research often generates candidates for business operations that have potential for commercialisation. Academic spinoff companies are formed to pursue the global markets and, for their part, aim to reduce the burden of brain diseases.

Do you need help with developing a product candidate or finding the right contacts? We are happy to assist you. The contact details of our experts are available here.

Would you like to have publicity for your innovation and to share your own neuroscience success story on Neurocenter Finland’s website? We would gladly publish the stories of academic spinoffs on our website. Contact us!