BrainBreak: Towards the Diagnostic Use of Meg and Gut-Brain-Axis and Exercise Motivation in Obesity

BrainBreak: Towards the Diagnostic Use of Meg and Gut-Brain-Axis and Exercise Motivation in Obesity

Neurocenter Finland, Jyväskylä Brain & Mind

welcomes all researchers to join

the BrainBreak

on 28th September 2023 from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm ONLINE (Teams)

Jan Kujala, Associate Professor, University of Jyväskylä:

Towards the diagnostic use of MEG


Satu Pekkala, Senior Lecturer, University of Jyväskylä and

Docent, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku:

Towards understanding how gut-brain-axis modulates

excercise motivation in obesity

BrainBreaks are regularly organized, relaxed afternoon coffee breaks

for everyone interested in brain health.

It aims to give an opportunity for networking and bring together different

kinds of expertise for informal discussion. 

Sign up before September 28th 2023!

For more information:

Kaisa Unkila,
Head of Services, Neurocenter Finland
