How to match skills with various career paths in brain health and neurosciences

How to match skills with various career paths in brain health and neurosciences

Neurocenter Finland Annual Event – How to match skills with various career paths in brain health and neuroscience

As students are the future assets of workforce and Research, Development and Innovation, it is crucial to build up different skills, as well as professional and social networks as early as possible to investigate different career options.

Neurocenter Finland Annual Event brings together different actors involved in neurosciences: researchers, clinicians, companies from start-ups and health tech to pharma, patient organizations and other stakeholders. Plenty of time has been reserved for networking and partnering up!

When: 7.11.2024
Where: Kuopio
Organized by Neurocenter Finland: Turku Brain & Mind Center (including M.ScProgramme in human neuroscience), Helsinki Brain & Mind, Jyväskylä Brain & Mind, Tampere Brain & Mind, Oulu Brain & Mind and Kuopio Brain & Mind (including UEF Brain Research Unit 2.0 and NeuroInnovation PhD Programme )


More information coming soon