Brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA variants dendritic trafficking: the spatial and quantitative code model

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA variants dendritic trafficking: the spatial and quantitative code model

We will have a special seminar on 24 September at 15.30 in Biocenter 3, Viikki, room 2402, by Professor Enrico Tongiorgi (University of Trieste).
The topic of his presentation is “Brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA variants dendritic trafficking: the spatial and quantitative code model

Prof. Enrico Tongiorgi (PhD)
Head of the Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology Lab
Director of the LMIC – Light Microscopy Imaging Center
Università di Trieste – Department of Life Sciences
Web site:

The research seminar is part of a course on ”Neuronal mRNA trafficking and neurite maintenance” (NEU-771)

Host: Eero Castrén