Turku Bioscience: The proteinopathy narrative in neurodegenerative disorders

Turku Bioscience: The proteinopathy narrative in neurodegenerative disorders

BioCity Turku arranges every semester Frontiers of Science seminar series where researchers are welcome to invite prominent international scientists to give a talk to local scientific community. The seminars are for all researchers and students and students can get ECTs from participation. All autumn 2021 Frontiers of Science seminars are arranged online as eTALKs.


Turku Bioscience welcomes you to Frontiers of Science seminar: The proteinopathy narrative in neurodegenerative disorders
on 23rd of September at 17:00.

The speaker of the meeting:
Prof. Alberto J. Espay, University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute, US


The seminar is open to all of interested. Register latest September 22nd at 12:00

For more information and the registration on the event website